
Backup 1

Joomla backup

Joomla3 1

Joomla3 Questions and Answers

Migration 2

Migrating a Joomla website

Security 7

Joomla Security


 Copying a Joomla site

How to copy a Joomla site.

 Create a web site with Joomla

How do I create my website with Joomla? Choose a template for your website. Joomla is an...

 Creating a Blog with Joomla

============JOOMLA BLOG SETUP STEPS====== In admin content>>section manager>>new...

 Disable Joomla Plugins without access to Joomla administrator

 Disable Via Joomla's Files It is also possible to disable a plugin via the files....

 How to change the URL or domain name of your Joomla website

Modify the configuration .php file of your Joomla Installation Login to your cPanel and...

 How to upgrade Joomla

This Joomla knowledgebase article explains how to best upgrade your Joomla install the latest...

 Joomla errors? Re-install the latest Joomla Core package

Occasionally, Joomla will have a small hiccup and you can experience 'strange' errors such as the...

 Meta tags order

  How can I change the order of the meta tags ? I would like the Title tag...

 Re-set Joomla password steps

Resetting in PhpMyAdmin If you have lost your admin password and you can't log into the...

 Remove index.php from all the URLs in your Joomla site

When turning on Search Engine Friendly URL’s in Joomla, they begin adding an extra...

 Temporary URL Change to Domain name for Joomla Website

If after testing Joomla on your Temporary URL you decide you would like to use it with your...

 Temporary URL and Joomla

To get Joomla to work with the temporary URL, the following steps need to be completed. ...