How does the virus scan in cPanel work?

Run a virus scan

To run a virus scan:

  1. In the Advanced section of the cPanel home screen, click Virus Scanner.
  2. Under Start a New Scan, select which directory you want to scan:
    • Scan Mail: This option scans the mail directory in your account.
    • Scan Entire Home Directory: This option scans all of the files in your account.
    • Scan Public Web Space: This option scans the public_html directory in your account.
    • Scan Public FTP Space: This option scans the public_ftp directory in your account.
  3. Click Scan Now.

    If there are a lot of files in the directory, the scan may take some time to complete.

  4. If the virus scan finds any infected files, you can specify what to do with the files:

    • Disinfect: When this option is selected, ClamAV removes harmful content from the file.
    • Quarantine: When this option is selected, ClamAV moves the file to a quarantine directory in your home directory.
    • Destroy: When this option is selected, ClamAV deletes the infected file.
    • Ignore: When this option is selected, ClamAV leaves the infected file unchanged.

    To complete the virus scan process, click Process Cleanup.

More Information

For more information about ClamAV, please visit

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